It was not long ago that we made the decision to have a winter vacation in Finland after spending already five times chasing northern lights in Norway. This time it will be different from all the other vacations. We will travel across the country, we will cross the Norwegian border and we hopefully will reach the North Cape – something that my grandparents wanted to do but never had the chance to fulfil their dream.
We arrived last night and after solving some trouble with the car reservation checked into the beautiful Hotel Ivalo in – surprise – Ivalo.
After an early dinner we packed our gear and went on chasing the auroras. We were really lucky with views and our pre scouting tour paid off well.
Temperatures with a maximum of minus 32° Celsius were tough on us and on the camera gear. The D5 displays a pink view using live view, the D850 worked well with no issues but our tripods had some issues with the locks and we had a hard time to get them back into the car.
Being pretty laid up north it is impressive to see how much light we already have during the day.
Today we might not be so lucky though we found a nice spot near Inari but the Aurora forecast is low and we have an overcast, cloudy sky.