We came with big expectations visiting Tromso and the surrounding areas now the third time and while central Europe including Germay is having record breaking low temperatures we experience quite the opposite. Temperatures anywhere from -1 to +6°C in winter seems for me quite warm being 350km north of the arctic circle. A constant mixture of rain, snow and sleet is rushing through from the ocean. The roads are partly covered completely with ice and most of the snow melted away in the past two days. Luckily we were able to grab a few spots in the clouds and see a few northern lights. However, we are spoiled from our past trips. At least we are experiencing the polar night where the sun stays below the horizon and between 10 AM and 2PM the light is very moody and probably highly moody without the clouds, the fierce winds and the rain/snow/hail mix. We have seen orcas/killer whales, humpbacks and other sea mammals and the white tailed eagles of Europe. Today’s first round brought us from Tromso via Tisnes, Buvikvoll and Brensholmen to Sommary along the road I found some nice spots to take a few images – given the circumstances with the weather black and white was the color of choice. Are we just unlucky or are these the inevitable signs of global warming where weather extremes will occur more often?
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