This is the 4th and 5th day of our travel and the 4th day in the Teton’s. Unfortuntately the weather is against us and for nature.
Yesterday we wanted to drive up to Gros Ventre (35 miles from our motel) as there were reports of male moose but it was foggy with very limited sight and we were not successful. We drove back into the National Park, grabbed a coffee at the Jenny Lake station and took a hike to the hidden falls. The weather cleared up a little and we had a nice time up there. Several pictures from that hike could be found in our gallery.
Today, we tried to be early at Gros Ventre again but it literally poured from the start until we came to the campground. We saw our first large male moose on our way – close to the Moose Junction but it was too dark to take any picture. At the campground we saw a female moose and her calw and as it still rained we decided to have breakfast in Jackson.
Well fed we headed towards the National Park again but instead of driving along the major road we took the non paved 4 wheel drive recommended road and saw a larger herd of elk and got some nice pictures.
We always receive the same question whether it is worth carrying all the gear we have and if you take a look at the picture below you will see a tree in the distance – taken with the Canon 1D Mark II and 16mm focal length.

This is Eva, the 30D and the Canon 500mm f4.0 IS lens – no converter mounted this time – aiming to that small tree…

And the result is that you will see the two young bulls looking at us.
Check our gallery frequently to get any update on pictures…
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