After an early breakfast around 6am we took off for the park. We headed north towards the remains of an elk which got killed two days ago by a group of 3 wolfs. We were told the story of one who had actualy seen it. She fought back the first attack, but at the second one her fate was sealed. They killed her in the lake and left the carcass there, to return every once in a while and to the joy of the neighbours.
We found an immature bald eagle feeding on the carcass, taking turns with his / her parents……
Then we went towards Lamar, but despite that the route to canyon is still closed, we gave it a try and there they were, our first bears. About 10m away ( I know, we should have stayed away 100m) he was grazing along the street. We took our shots and were about to leave, when we turned we saw another, even bigger one coming down the hill towards us. A few pictures and in the car we went, not curious about how close he might come. It’s always surprising how close some people want to be to an animal, which can run 3 times faster than they can. No elk would be that stupid and they are way faster than humans.
One of the highlights was a large crowd of bison with newborns between Madison and West Yellowstone. This one here jumped around like a gummi bear.
It was a long day in the park we arrived back in our hotel around 9:00 PM and 260 miles of driving through the park.
More pictures could be found in our gallery and more will be added soon as our trip advances: GP-Photography Gallery
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