It is grey, mild and not very photo friendly outside. Time to look into the photo archives and bring some color to this site. All pictures where taken ...
Farewell West Coast
Time to say good bye. Three weeks of vacation are over now. We spent the past two days in San Francisco and did some serious walking. No pictures at ...
Snow stuck, out of air and a broken navigation system – simply: adventure
After some nice days in Yosemite, a couple of days along the coast we headed towards Death Valley National Park. The last time we were there I broke ...
Yosemite National Park – Winter Update
We decided spending some days in the far west of the US, drive along the coast, visit several National Parks and visit our friends in Oregon. We ...
A beautiful lie – environment matters
With climate changes news almost every day and the United Nations Climate Change Conference currently ongoing. I wanted first to bring this great song ...
Autumn in Northern Illinois
What a beautiful and wonderful day today in Northern Illinois. 72° Fahrenheit (22° C) early November. After long working hours with no daylight I ...
Two seasons: Hidden Falls – Grand Teton NP
Today I looked at several pictures from our last trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton Nationalpark. We were there the first time last year in fall and ...
Final Trip Report: Time to say Good Bye
The past three weeks were filled with lots of new experiences and we met plenty of nice people that will be remembered for a long time. I am sure some ...
Wolves in the Grand Teton NP?
Update 06/15/09: Several well trusted sources claim that most likely we have seen a very large coyote. We are still not 100% sure so do several park ...
Trip Report Day 10&11: Mammalmania
Important Note: I just noticed that some images were not shown in the correct size. I am going to fix this after our return. In the meantime just ...