Almost two weeks ago Eva and I had our first outdoor portrait session with Sarah G. from the Modelkartei: oOBlackroseOo
It was the hottest day of the year and the place where we met was crowded by hundreds of people. I dropped off Eva and our equipment and then drove back to find a parking lot for my van.
Then we packed everything together and decided first walking into the wood and do the first pictures in the shade.

A lovely place to test the Canon 1Ds Mark III and the Canon 1D Mark III in the field along with Canon 580 EX II flashes and/or a California Sunbounce Micro Mini reflector. All worked pretty well.

After several changes of the location and with less people being closer to the lakes we headed back down to start trashing the dress. The idea was to use a small pond above the lake where some nice water lilies covered part of the water.

Just to give you an idea that shooting is not always easy for the photographer as well. Here are some making of pictures taken by Eva.

The equipment survived this trip as well as Sarah and all other that helped making this hot afternoon a pleasure for us.

We had plenty of fun…
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