February in Germany – usually cold and rainy but due to some lucky circumstances Kelly from the German Model-Kartei was looking for a photographer on Sunday, the weather turned out to be great and I had time to spare.
I had a great location in mind that I wanted to shoot and we met mid afternoon. The light was still to harsh for my sunbounce only and we decided to shoot some fashion photos with my Hensel Porty and the beauty dish.
Here is one of the results from the beginning of the shooting. Her friend assisted me holding the California Sunbounce.

Here is a close up portrait using again only available light bounced against the sun.
We then moved to a different location closer to the water and covered in shade. The beauty dish was to her left and did a great job illuminating the scene.
We moved a few meters towards the walls and within minutes we had some great photos digitalized.
There will be some more pictures to come and I would like to thank Kelly and her boyfriend again for that nice, enjoyable and very spontaneous photoshoot on a perfect almost spring like day.
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