Two weeks ago I was lucky to get an erotic outdoor shooting with Miss Emily vanHouten from the Model-Kartei . The location was a “secret” spot that I discovered during walks and bicycle rides after work or during the weekend. The weather was almost perfect and shortly about to change. If you live in Germany you probably now what I am writing about.
Being limited with equipment, space and helping hands most of the pictures are taken just with the available light, California Sunbounce Pro and Micro Mini and one or two Canon 580 EX flashes.
We started at a fallen tree that partly lies in a small creek that at this time of the day had perfect light that came from the top but was shaded by the leaves of the tree. By the way – yesterday – after a couple of days with rain that location is no longer accessible.

Same spot different pose and additional fill flash.

We moved on to a slightly different area and did some topless portraits not showing too much at all. I used the Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM for that to narrow the depth of field and get this beautiful bokeh.

Shortly after finishing this session the weather changed from sunshine to wind and rain and we moved to an indoor location. Pictures from there will follow soon.
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