Today I attended my first erotic and nude photography workshop in Landau/Germany. The workshop was held by Dieter Koelbl and Ralf Becker.
We had two models on the set and with the almost perfect weather conditions we really had a good time and learned a lot.
The pictures shown here are from Petula. Check her profile at the Modelkartei if you want to know more. With Petula we were shooting with portys from Elinchrom and Hensel.

Some more picture are available at our gallery: GP-Photography Gallery

With Michaela we started shooting indoor with available light and sunbouncing equipment from California Sunbounce. In addition we used the Hensel Porty shooting against a Sunbounce Pro as the sun was hiding behind some clouds.
This is the one of the results.

And here is one sample using only the available light and an additional Sunbouncer.

Some more picture are available at our gallery: GP-Photography Gallery
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