As we have traveled almost 3000km during our two weeks in Northern Europe and though the primary intent was to capture Northern Lights there is so ...
Back in Norway – Travel update
Good morning from Oteren in Norway where we are currently slowing our pace down after 12 days touring through Norway and Finland - and a little bit of ...
Foggy nights in Dresden
We are slowly heading back from quiet and empty places towards home. Our next stop is Dresden where a spectacular theft happened early today.During ...
Slowing down in Zingst and Rügen
We are currently enjoying a slow place in Zingst where we have been a few times already and for the first time we visited Rügen. On our way we made a ...
The Death Marches in Germany
I usually do not post lots around history or politics as this blog is mainly for our travel activities. Yet, when we travel history surrounds us. ...
Late Autumn in Brandenburg/Germany
30 years have past since Germany united again. I can still remember the wall that separated us. Since then many things changed: I started to get back ...
A trip to Austria – NP Gesäuse
We heard much about one of Europe's dark spots in Austria and how wonderful the area is. So we decided to spend our wedding anniversary in Austria to ...
Northern Lights in Nuorgam
During this travel we crossed the border between Finland and couple of times. The main reason for Norway was getting to the Nordkapp (North Cape) and ...
Finnmarkslopet 2019 – Europe’s longest dog-sled race
By accident we came across an event that we have not seen live so far and we took our chances to take a look at Europe's longest dog-sled race in ...
Destination Nordkapp
This post is a very personal one and means a lot to me. It was a lifetime dream of my grandparents to visit the Nordkapp (North Cape) with the ...